Title: Criteria and Indicators of Equitable Distribution of Economic Benefit
Author: Chebanov Oleksandr

The exchange between branches is considered to be equivalent (distribution – to be equitable), if there is no appropriation (by individual branches) of economic benefit de facto created by other economy branches. For such an approach, the following premise is initial: the interindustry relations should be based on the principle of economically equitable distribution of the cumulative economic benefit. Namely, the distribution should be fulfilled in accordance with the interindustry ratios of the production factors. The economic sense of this principle is the providing of an equal output of the factor's unit (no matter what is the branch (sphere of usage) it corresponds), which is a premise for the balance of sectoral processes of reproduction. The equivalence of interindustry exchange, as it is understood in such context, can be evaluated for each individual factor of production as well as for a cumulative resource. In this paper we make an attempt to form a system of criteria and indicators for estimation of equitable distribution, which is based on some approaches of economic theory.

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