Title: Soviet political economy: repressed and/or repressive? Some preliminary remarks
Author: makasheva natalia

(for the proposed session Economics under Political Repression) Political economy was one of those social sciences which were radically deformed under Stalin’s regime because of its subject matter, practical importance and ideological meaning. As a consequence of several decades of Marxist domination the Soviet political economy became a very special science with its particular logic, rules of communication and discussions, criterion of the truth etc. Its most important and fatal feature was that critics from outside of Marxism was impossible. The establishment of the domination of Marxism, especially in its offensive and odious version, was rather fast but not a instantaneous process. It could not be seen as a simple and direct consequence of the orders of political authorities but should be considered as a very complicated and multi-current process, its objective and subjective components interlacing. To a variable extent most of professional economists, even non-orthodox Marxists, deliberately or unconsciously, contributed to this process. Basing on publications of economic discussions of the 1920’s as well as on some archival documents the author aims to perceive the nature of this process and to analyze main features.

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