Title: Forces and weaknesses of Hegelian analyses on the place of the economy in the modern world
Author: EGE Ragip

Hegel is undoubtedly the modern philosopher who made the greatest place for the economy in his work. The economic dimension of the social existence is integrated in the Hegelian system as an essential moment of the dialectical trilogy: the moment of for itself (“an sich”). As such, the economic activity, or the "System of needs”, contributes to the formation of the modern man’s own subjectivity. Moreover, a comparison between the ancient and the modern worlds reveals that the obstacles which prevent the development of subjectivity in the ancient world lay in the fact that economic activities are rejected outside the free sphere of the Polis. In this world, economic activities are assumed by social categories politically not recognized. But Hegelian noteworthy analyses on the progressive integration process of the requirements of the need in the sphere of the freedom in the modern world lose their originality because of his unfortunate attachment to an institution in the process of disappearance: the institution of corporations. In our contribution the stress will be put particularly on the philosophical reasons and on the political consequences of the keeping of these old institutions in the dialectical system, in order to ensure the transition from the "civil society" to the "State". We believe that the will of integration of the particular in an organic totality, at any stage of the dialectical process, prevents Hegel to give his full attention to this modern political form of non organic integration, which is the democracy.

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