Title: Liberal positions in Carl Menger’s writings
Author: ROSNER Peter

Menger is generally considered to having furthered liberal economic ideas. After all, he was the founder of what later became the Austrian School. However, it is not clear what is meant by this characterisation of him. He hardly wrote anything about economic policy except in the field of monetary economics. In the paper I want to show that in his methodological writings directed against the Historic School Menger undermined the foundation for their often nationalistic ideas the latter they believed to have found in their Historic approach. This approach, in turn, was based, amongst other ideas, on a conservative and romantic criticism of market societies, particularly of the profit-motive and emphasising the role of social entireties as there are societies, nations, peoples. Though these ideas can be found in all cultures, in Germany it gained influence in mainstream economics. Menger’s methodological critique therefore can be seen as prelude to the work of Mises and Hayek though he was not as combative as the later authors.

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