Title: Discontinuity as the characteristic feature of the evolution of the Czech economic thought under communism
Author: Sojka Milan

The paper presents two cases of discontinuity in the Czech economic thought after the communist coup d'etat in 1948. The first one occured in the period 1948/1953 when all non-Marxian economists were expelled from universities, some were forced to go to exile and some were imprisoned. From this period I selected two fates of the most important Czech economists of the inter war Czechoslovakia: Karel Engliš and Josef Macek. The second case of discontinuity occured ater the Soviet troops crushed the Prague Spring. Since 1970 relatively democratic conditions of the Prague Spring ended, hardliners of the communist party stabilized their power and the so called normalization started. This time all the reform thinking economists were expelled from universities and scientific institutions. Some of them left Czechoslovakia, some were imprisoned and many of them had to work in blue-collar professions. From this period I selected the fate of Otto Šik, the leading figure of the Prague Spring economic reforms aiming at market socialism who went to exile, and Zdislav Šulc, who participated in the development of the reform thinking during the second half of 1960s and who had to work in blue-collar professions during 1970s aand 1980s but continued to write economic analysis and published them in "samizdat".

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