Young Scholars
The deadline for the submission of work for the Young Scholars Seminar has now passed.
ESHET invited young scholars (i.e., those who are working on or have just completed a PhD, regardless of their age) to submit their work to the Young Scholars Seminar to be held on the occasion of the 17th ESHET Conference.
Six submissions were selected: ESHET will cover travel expenses up to €300, accommodation costs up to €80 per night for three nights and the registration fee. The authors of the selected papers will have 20 minutes each to present the paper and a senior scholar, appointed by the ESHET Council, will discuss it. Papers may be on any topic relevant to the history of economics, and are not restricted to the conference theme.
The winning submissions were:
Ariel Dvoskin
An unpleasant dilemma for contemporary general equilibrium theory
Marek Hudik
Early Models of Reference-Dependent Utility: Samuelson and Bernardelli
A note on Wicksell’s Cumulative Process
Lionel Rischmann
Money, Investment and business cycle in Keynes’s early writings
Andrej Svorencik
The First Price Auction Controversy
Alex Thomas
Consumption and Activity Levels in Cantillon’s Essai.