Title: Post-Keynesian, Post-Sraffian Economics: an outline
Author: Roncaglia Alessandro, Tonveronachi Mario
The paper suggests the possibility of an internally consistent Keynesian-Sraffian framework. We begin by raising a point of method: the possibility of relying on ‘pieces of analysis’ for different issues without requiring their unification in a single unifying general model, but instead requiring their ‘conceptual compatibility’. We then illustrate the distinction between the classical and the marginalist conceptual representations of the capitalist economy. We suggest our interpretation of the nature of Keynes’s and Sraffa’s analyses, considering two contending interpretations of Keynes and focusing on the connection between Keynes and the classical approach they posit. Finally we outline a research strategy that relies on an internally consistent Keynesian-Sraffian conceptual framework and on the possibility of utilising separate analytical building blocks for dealing with different issues.
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