Title: On the Russo-Austrian School of Economics: Simeon Demostenov (1886-1966) and Naum Dolinski (1890-1968)
Author: Nenovsky Nikolay, Penchev Pencho

In the paper are presented and analysed the views and contributions to the economic theory of two intellectuals-émigrés from Russia after the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 - S. Demostenov and N. Dolinsky. In their works we could find an original synthesis of the main ideas of the Austrian school of economics (especially those of Carl Menger) with the main elements of Russian economic thought, especially with a number of points of Peter Struve’s original liberal theoretical system (he was their teacher and inspirer). We propose a theoretical reconstruction of the views of Dolinsky and Demostenov. Our main hypothesis is that they are part of a peculiar current within the Austrian school, or even specific school of economic thought which we call “Russo-Austrian". The main reason for this hypothesis is the fact that they made an original theoretical synthesis or, more precisely, a synthesis between the ideas of Carl Menger and Peter Struve. We also identified and analysed some of the original contributions to economics of these Russian émigrés, especially Demostenov, to monetary theory and to the history of monetary theories.

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