Young Scholars Seminar
The ESHET invites young scholars -- persons currently enrolled in a PhD, or who have been awarded a PhD no more than two years prior to May 2016 -- to submit their work to the Young Scholars Seminar to be held on the occasion of the ESHET Conference.
Please, include documentation of your (and your co-authors) position vis à vis your PhD, and indicate in the Subject of your e-mail: for Young Scholars Seminar. Co-authored papers are accepted if and only if the co-author is a Young Scholar according to the definition given above.
Up to six submissions will be selected: ESHET will cover travel expenses up to €300, accommodation costs up to €80/night for three nights, and the registration fee. Moreover, the authors will be invited to the gala dinner. The authors of the elected papers will have 20 minutes each to present the paper, and a senior scholar will discuss it. Like in current sessions, papers may be on any topic relevant to the history of economic thought, and are not restricted to the conference theme.
A one-year ESHET membership is offered to all young scholars who submit a paper to the Young Scholars seminars. Papers that have not been selected will be considered for presentation at other conference sessions, if you specify in your email that you intend to participate in the conference even if you do not succeed in getting the grant.
Only full-papers will be taken into consideration for the applications to the Young Scholars Seminar. Candidates should e-mail a paper no longer than 9000 words to Professors Richard Sturn( and Annalisa Rosselli ( by February 20th, 2016. Authors will be notified about the result of the selection process by April 1st, 2016.