2011 winners (Young Scholars Seminar)
"Competition, Innovation and Rivalry"
Boğaziçi University in Bebek, Istanbul, 19-22 May
15th Annual ESHET Conference, "Competition, Innovation and Rivalry", Boğaziçi University in Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey, 19-22 May 2011
Svetoslav Danchev, University of Athens:
The non-empiricist roots of utility-based economics
Carlo d'Ippoliti, Sapienza University of Rome:
Schmoller on the origin of gender roles
German Feldman, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main:
The role of a Central Bank in Classical Perspective
Dotan Leshem, Tel-Aviv University:
What was it that the Ancients called 'The Economy'?
Johannes Schwarzer, University of Hohenheim:
Beyond conventional wisdom: Alban W. Phillips on inflation expectations and the "menu of choice"
Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, CEDEPLAR/UFMG:
The role of experts in the public assessment of England's trade crisis of the early 1620’s