2014 Winners for the Young Scholar Seminar
18th ESHET Conference - Liberalisms: perspectives and debates in the history of economic thought - University of Lausanne (Switzerland), 29-31 May 2014
18th ESHET Conference - Liberalisms: perspectives and debates in the history of economic thought - University of Lausanne (Switzerland), 29-31 May 2014
The ESHET Officers considered 29 papers for a grant to attend the Young Scholars Seminar at the 18th ESHET Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Congratulations to the authors of the following six papers, who received the grant:
Victor Bianchini, PHARE, University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Social Comparisons and Individual Welfare: Back to James Mill
Lucy Brillant, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – PHARE, France
Limits of Arbitrage and Interest Rates: A Debate between Hawtrey, Hicks and Keynes
Eugenia Dinivitzer, University of Macerata, Italy
Indian Currency and Finance: the originality of Keynes’s normative view
Niels Geiger, University of Hohenheim, Germany
The Rise of Behavioural Economics in the Literature and as a Source of Policy Advice: A Quantitative Assessment
Matteo Menegatti, United Nations Industrial Development Organization
The Tableau Economique and its transcription into a Sraffa-Leontief model: a comment on Steenge (2000) and Steenge and Van den Berg (2007)
Romain Plassard, University of Lille 1, France
Clower’s volte-face regarding the “Keynesian Revolution”