European Society for the History of Economic Thought

2015 winners (Young Scholars Seminar)

"Great Controversies in Economics"

Università Roma Tre, 14-16 May

2015 Winners for the Young Scholar Seminar

19th Annual ESHET Conference - Great Controversies in Economics - Roma Tre University, Rome, 14-16 May 2015

We congratulate the winners of the Young Scholars competition 2015 who received the grant to participate in the Young Scholars Seminar during the forthcoming ESHET conference in Rome. They are:

Christine Clement
The Formal-Informal Economy Dualism in a Retrospective of Economic Thought since the 1940s

Manfredi De Leo
“Absolute Value and Exchange Value” (1823): a fundamental advancement in Ricardo’s theory of value

Maxime Desmarais-Tremblay
A genealogy of the concept of merit wants

Jérôme Lange
Smith and Marx versus Malthus and the Beckerians on the Demographic Transition and the Industrial Revolution

Clara Elisabetta Mattei
Austerity and Repressive Politics: Italian Economists in the Early Years of the Fascist Government

Reinhard Schumacher
Adam Smith and International Division of Labour: A History of Misunderstandings