2016 winners (Young Scholars Seminar)
"Inequalities in Economic Thought"
University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, May 26-28
2016 Winners for the Young Scholar Seminar
20th Annual ESHET Conference - Inequalities in Economic Thought - Paris, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, May 26-28, 2016
We congratulate the winners of the Young Scholars competition 2016 who received the grant to participate in the Young Scholars Seminar during the forthcoming ESHET conference in Paris. They are:
Luiz Bruzzi
From “social economy” to “national political economy”: German economic ideas in Brazil
Marie Daou
The true and false rights of Rueff: from a monetary disequilibrium theory to a social disorder theory
Raphael Fèvre
Eucken’s Competition with Keynes - or beyond ordoliberal allergy to Keynesian medicine
Ecem Okan
One fiction meets another: Adam Smith’s early and rude state of society and the age of hunters
Thomas Ruellou
In the search for a labour theory of value: Smith against Stewart and Ricardo on the two states of society
Giulia Zacchia
Research evaluation and gender differences in Italian economic thought