European Society for the History of Economic Thought

Markets, Knowledge and Governance in the History of Economic Thought

1st ESHET-JSHET meeting
17.12.2006 Nice, France

Markets, Knowledge and Governance in the History of Economic Thought

1st ESHET-JSHET meeting
17.12.2006 Nice, France

workshop - Nice, France - University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis

The First ESHET-JSHET Meeting will be the first conference organised by both the Japanese and European Society for the History of Economic Thought. The theme of the conference, Markets, Knowledge and Governance, is a very contemporaneous economic issue. The objective is to stimulate confrontations between various schools of economic thought and further to clarify and intensify debates on the Governance of the New Economy. Within that large theme, three main topics have been pre-selected for contributions:

- Knowledge, markets and division of labour in the Classical approach,

- Industry, finance and economic dynamics in the tradition of Cambridge,

- Knowledge, markets and organisation in the Austrian tradition.

The objective is to intensify scientific cooperation between the two societies, including also young researchers, as well as to initiate reflection about pedagogical cooperation.

The conference will take place in Sophia-Antipolis, close to Nice.

Scientific committee

Richard ARENA, GREDEG/CNRS and Nice – Sophia Antipolis University, Nice.

Yasunori FUKAGAI, Yokohama National University, Yokohama.

Harald HAGEMANN, Hohenheim University, Stuttgart.

Toshiaki HIRAI, Sophia University, Tokyo.

Keiko KURITA, Tokyo’s Women’s University, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Tokyo.

Cristina MARCUZZO, La Sapienza University, Rome.

Annalisa ROSSELLI, Torvergata University, Rome.

Tamotsu NISHIZAWA, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo

Kiichiro YAGI, Kyoto University, Kyoto.


Organising committee

Richard ARENA, GREDEG/CNRS and University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis.

Muriel DAL PONT LEGRAND, GREDEG/CNRS and University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

Cécile DANGEL-HAGNAUER, GREDEG/CNRS and University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

Web site

Organizers: Muriel DAL PONT LEGRAND

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