European Society for the History of Economic Thought

Workshops and conferences

II Conference AISPE-SISE Palermo (Italy)

Centri, periferie, reti. Persone, beni e idee in movimento nella storia

Palermo (Italy), October 19-21, 2023


Crises et inégalités : Comment habiter le monde de demain ?



Edition anniversaire : les 40 ans de l’Association Charles Gide

Les économistes français et les transformations de l’analyse économique, de Charles Gide à Esther Duflo

Lyon, 8-10 juin 2023

International Adam Smith Society Conference

11th-13th July, 2022 Bogota - Colombia

Finding Better Ways of Doing Economics

Johannesburg, 15 – 16 August 2022

The History of Economic Thought Society (THETS) Annual Conference

Cambridge - 31 August to 2 September 2022

The Scientization of Central Banks

Brussels, 7-10 September 2022

5th HISRECO conference

Lausanne, October 28-29, 2022




16th STOREP Conference “The Social Rules! Norms, Interaction, Rationality”

Università di Siena, 27-29 June 2019

The session Forgotten Origins in the History of Economic Thought  was co-organized with ESHET

XV AISPE Conference - Towards a Comparative History of Economic Thought

Rome, 23-25 November 2017
One session organized by ESHET

Public finance in the History of Economic Thought

University of Barcelona – November 3rd 2017
From a project that received an ESHET grant.

14th Annual STOREP Conference

Piacenza, 8-10 June 2017
one session organized by ESHET

14th AISPE Conference - Economics and Power: An Historical Perspective

Lecce, 28-30 April 2016
one session organized by ESHET

5th Latin American Conference of the History of Economic Thought – ESHET Chile 2015

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Santiago), Chile, November 25-27, 2015

4th ESHET-JSHET Joint Conference

11-13 September 2015, Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan

ESHET Latin American Conference

Belo Horizonte – Brazil, 19-21 November 2014

YSI Lausanne Workshop @ The ESHET Conference

Lausanne, Switzerland, May 27-28, 2014

Path Dependence in Economic Development

November 20-22, 2013, Medellín, Colombia

New Developments on Ricardo and the Ricardian Traditions

Lyon, 10-12 September 2013
Co-sponsored by ESHET

ESHET Symposium “European Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought"

7 December 2012, University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart - Germany)

Crises and Space in the History of Economic Thought

3rd ESHET-JSHET meeting
12-15 September 2012
University of Corsica, Corte, France

History of macroeconomics: from the years of «High Theory» (1926-1939) to modern approaches

14th International Conference of the Charles Gide Association for the Study of Economic Thought
with one session organized by ESHET
Nice, June 7-9 2012

Federalism and Integration.The economic thought facing local dimensions and global challenges

IXth STOREP Conference
with one session organized by ESHET
Padua, June 1-3, 2012

Economic crises in historical perspective - ESHET workshop

December 9, 2011 - University of Salento (Lecce - Italy)

The shifting boundaries between public and private in economics

7th Annual Conference of STOREP
with one session organized by ESHET
Trento (Italy), May 30 - 1 june 2010

The Recession of 2008. Do Economists ever agree on Analysis and Prescriptions?

ESHET-UCLM workshop
21 and 22 January 2010
Albacete, Spain

The Dissemination of Economic Ideas

2nd ESHET-JSHET meeting
21-22 March 2009 Tokyo and 24 March 2009 Kyoto, Japan

Markets, Knowledge and Governance in the History of Economic Thought

1st ESHET-JSHET meeting
17.12.2006 Nice, France